Information // 情報

Tokyo City Centre  

Saturday 22nd June 2024 


Partner with Key + Dance : Instagram  // Website  

場所: 東京都内

// 日時:2024年6月22日(土)11:00-17:00

協力: Key+ インスタグラム Webサイト

Early Bird - Until 31st May // 

£150 (Approx ¥30000)

Book Now

Standard Ticket 

 £180 (Approx ¥35000)

From 1st June 

£ 1 5 0 (約¥30,000 *為替レートにより変動あり)

£180(約¥36,000 *為替レートにより変動あり)

Spilt Payment Option 

Payment 1 : £75 (Approx ¥15000) (by 31st May)

Payment 2 :  £75 (Approx ¥15000) (by 15th June)

 Book Now 

2回払い希望 (早割の場合のみ)
1回目 £75 (5月31日までに)
2回目 £75 (6月15日までに)

To book your place for the workshop, please email
with your name and we will send you the payment link and information pack.

お申込みは、担当 Key+ 山口恵奈 ( まで

What to Expect // ワークショップ内容

Lead by artist Jack Thomson, this workshop is aimed at photographers who want to develop their relationship with dance, and also for dancers who have a vested interest in photography and wish to deepen their practice in a collaborative, safe and creative environment (limited to 10 photographers for Tokyo)

This workshop will use the backdrop of Tokyo streets, as we explore the intersection between movement & photography working with 4 professional dancers.

 There will be English to Japanese translator supporting the workshop for the whole day.

You will need your own DSLR or mirrorless camera. 

アーティストのJack Thomsonによるワークショップは、ダンスとの関係を深



11.00 -12.15 : Session One - working with Professional Ballet Dancers

12.15-12.30 Break 

12.30-13.30 : Session Two - working with Professional Ballet Dancers

13.30-14.30 :  Lunch 

14.30- 15.45 : Session Three - working with Professional Contemporary Dancers

15.45 -16.00 : Break 

16.00 -17.00 :  Session Four - working with Professional contemporary Dancers

Exact Locations and detailed schedule provided prior to the day.

11:00 -12:15 : セッション① - バレエダンサー 撮影
12:15-12:30 : 休憩 
12:30-13:30 : セッション② - バレエダンサー 撮影
13:30-14:30 :  Lunch 
14:30- 15:45 : セッション③ - コンテンポラリーダンサー 撮影
15:45 -16:00 : 休憩 
16:00 -17:00 : セッション④ - コンテンポラリーダンサー 撮影


Themes we will be covering 

  • Perspectives and approaches on capturing movement in a still form.
  • Tools to keep dancers/subjects inspired by offering stimulus to provoke their physicality.
  • Dance photography as a collaborative act.
  • Building a common collaborative language between visual arts and movement.
  • Tapping into your own physicality in order to achieve your desired image.
  • The body and space/architecture.

- 静止画で、動きを捉えるための視点とアプローチの仕方。
- ダンサー/被写体の身体能力を引き出すためのツールとは。
- ダンサーと協力・コラボレーションしながらの写真撮影。
- ビジュアルアートと動きの間で、共通の言語を構築する。
- 自らの望むイメージを実現するために、自身の身体能力を引き出す。
- 身体と空間・建築。

Dancers // ダンサー

Photographers will be collaborating closely with four world class professional dancers throughout the day, in the morning classical ballet dancers and in afternoon two contemporary dancers.


Saya Tomoda - 友田早耶

3歳からバレエを始める。高校卒業後、 単身渡米しシカゴのJoffrey Balletにスタジオカンパニーとして所属、 Joffrey Academy of Dance ではパキータ (プリンシパル)コッペリア (スワニルダ)等に出演。 メインカンパニーの白鳥の湖、 く るみ割り人形等の本公演にも出演する。 翌年、 フェニックスの Ballet Arizona に所属、 数々の本公演 ナポリ、 真夏の夜の夢、 くるみ割り人形等、スクール公演ではシンデレラ(シンデレラ)、ナポリ(パ•ド•ドロ ワ) を踊る。帰国後、 2021年4月、 東京シティ•バレエ団入団。現在は、 バレエダンサー、 バレエ講師、 またGyrokinesis®のアプレンティストレーナーとしても活動している。
Saya started learning Classical Ballet at the age of three. After graduating from high school, she moved to the US and joined the studio company of the Joffrey Ballet in Chicago. At the Joffrey Academy of Dance, she performed as a principal in "Paquita" and as Swanhilda in "Coppélia," and also appeared in main company productions such as "Swan Lake" and "The Nutcracker." The following year, she joined Ballet Arizona in Phoenix, performing in numerous productions such as "Napoli," "A Midsummer Night's Dream," and "The Nutcracker." For their school performances, she performed as Cinderella in "Cinderella" and the Pas de Trois in "Napoli."
After returning to Japan, she joined Tokyo City Ballet in April 2021. Currently, she is working as a ballet dancer, a ballet teacher and also as an apprentice trainer for Gyrokinesis®.

Sayaka Ishibashi - 石橋沙也果

広島出身。3歳からIDIバレエスタジオでバレエを始める。15歳の時にイギリスのCentral School of Balletに留学し、在学中「BBC Young DANCER 2015」でファイナリストとなる。First Class Honorsで卒業した後、渡米。Orlando balletでバレエダンサーとして活動し、World Ballet Competition USA 2017 パドドゥ部門で銀賞を受賞。2018年にフィリピンのBallet Manilaに入団。『ジゼル』全幕にてジゼル、ペザントのパドドゥなどを踊り、在団中多くの公演に出演。帰国後、鶴谷美穂氏の下でチェケッティメソッドを学び、翌年チェケッティ・メソッドのインターミディエート、アドヴァンスド1 (実技資格)を優秀賞にて取得。2022年4月より東京シティ・バレエ団に入団し、現在バレエダンサー、バレエ講師として活動中。

Born in Hiroshima. At the age of three, she started classical ballet at IDI Ballet Studio. She moved to the UK to study professionally at Central School of Ballet. During that time, she became finalist in "BBC Young DANCER 2015" . After graduating with First Class Honors, she moved to the United States and performed as a professional ballet dancer with Orlando Ballet, winning the silver medal in the pas de deux category at the World Ballet Competition USA 2017.

In 2018, she joined Ballet Manila in the Philippines, performing roles such as Giselle and the peasant pas de deux in the full-length production of "Giselle," and participated in many performances during her time there. After returning to Japan, she studied the Cecchetti Method under Miho Tsurutani and obtained the Cecchetti Method Intermediate and Advanced 1 with distinction the following year. Since April 2022, she has been a member of the Tokyo City Ballet Company and currently works as a ballet dancer and a teacher.

Headshot by 染谷洸太Movement by 岡田晃明Dance Artist (UK|JP) 

Riku - 陸


Born in Tokyo. He bases his freestyle acrobatics on martial arts, specialising in "tricking." During his junior years, he won a national championship and is currently ranked second in Japan. In addition to tricking, he mixes contemporary dance and floor work into his movements, exploring and pursuing his own form of physical expression as a movement artist/acrodancer.

 Shiki Kitamura - 北村思綺

東京生まれ東京育ち射手座AB型一人っ子。英国Rambert Schoolを首席で卒業。帰国し立教大学映像身体学科を卒業。黒沢美香をはじめとする複数の振付家と活動後2015年より現在まで関かおりpunctumun国内外のほとんどの作品に出演中。また、インディペンデントマガジン「ELEPHAS」の創刊号『#1 生命の星』にダンサーモデルとして参加。花澤香菜のMV「インタリオ」にダンサーで出演など。アーティスト活動以外のことをしたいという思いから、会社員でもあり、色々な顔を持つ生活の中で生まれる表現を楽しみ育んでいる。

Born and raised in Tokyo, Sagittarius, blood type AB and is an only child. She graduated with First class honors from the Rambert School in the UK. Since returning to Japan, she has studied and graduated from Rikkyo University's Department of Body Expression and Cinematic Arts. She has worked with several choreographers, including Mika Kurosawa, and has been performing in Kaori Seki's punctumun works touring nationally and internationally since 2015.

Additionally, she has appeared as a dancer-model in the inaugural issue of the independent magazine "ELEPHAS," titled "#1 Star of Life," and performed as a dancer in Kana Hanazawa's music video "Intaglio." Driven by a desire to explore activities beyond her artistic pursuits, she also works as a office worker, enjoying and nurturing the expressions that emerge from her multifaceted lifestyle.


About Jack // ジャックについて

Born in York, Jack Thomson a multi-disciplinary artist which performance, choreography, film and photography all inform his work. 

He studied at the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance (in London) and has since performed work by Alexander Whitley, Ohad Narhrin, Justin Peck, Itzik Galili, Blanca Li, Kate Flatt, Richard Chappell, Willi Dorner, Shobana Jeyasingh, Caroline Finn, Wayne McGregor, Maxine Doyle to and he is still working as a performer.

Alongside his performing career Jack has established a career as a photographer, linking his experience of the body & choreography with his knowledge of the camera & image-making. He has create imagery for English National Ballet, Sadlers Wells, Studio Wayne McGregor, Sydney Dance Company, Phoenix Dance Theatre, Gandini Juggling and more arts organisations.

In addition he has been commissioned by Random Acts (Business is Brutal for Channel 4) and New Creatives (We Are Ready Now for BBC arts) to direct and choreography dance for camera. Business is Brutal his first dance work for camera, has been screen in over 50 festivals worldwide and won awards at the Inshadow Film Festival (Lisbon - 2018) for Best Interpretation, and New Renaissance Film Festival ( London -  2018) for Best Art/Artist Led film, it was also Highly commended at the SHOWstudio Fashion film awards in partnership with Harrods (2019) . 

ジャックは、パフォーマンス、振付、映画、写真より影響を受けているマルチディシプリン・アーティスト。 Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance(ロンドン)を卒業後 Alexander Whitley, Ohad Narhrin, Justin Peck, Itzik Galili, Blanca Li, Kate Flatt, Richard Chappell, Willi Dorner, Shobana Jeyasingh, Caroline Finn, Wayne McGregor, Maxine Doyleらの 作品に出演。

ジャックは、ダンスキャリアと並行して、自身の身体と振付の経験と、カメラと画像作成の知 識を結びつけ、写真家としてのキャリアを確立。彼は、今までにEnglish National Ballet, Sadlers Wells, Studio Wayne McGregor, Sydney Dance Company, Phoenix Dance Theatre, Gandini Juggling、他英国内の芸術団体のイメージを制作。

Random Acts (Business is Brutal for Channel 4) and New Creatives (We Are Ready Now forBBC arts)’より、ディレクター、振付家として、コミッションを受 た。’Business is Brutal’ は、彼初のダンスフィルムで、世界中の50以上の映画祭で上映、Inshadow Film Festival(リスボ ン、2018)でBest Interpretation、New Renaissance Film Festival (ロンドン、2018)では、Best Art/Artist Led filmを受賞。ハロッズと提携した SHOWstudio Fashion film awards (2019)でも高 評価を受けた。


To book or for more information contact 

Please note refunds of tickets after 15th June will be 50% of ticket price. 

お申込みは、担当 Key+ 山口恵奈 ( まで


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